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Normally, an agreement is reached among the next of kin, but if such agreement cannot be secured, a Court can determine the apportionment.

Should The Heirs Hire Separate Attorneys?

If the heirs are not hostile to each other, it is best to have one attorney handle a wrongful death case, which provides greater expediency and cohesiveness.

What Is The Statute of Limitations For Filing A Claim?

If the wrongful death was caused by murder, a claim may be filed at any time after the victim’s death. Any other action may be started within two (2) years from the date of death.

Are All State Laws The Same Regarding Wrongful Death?

No. Wrongful death laws vary from state to state.

What If One Of The Survivors Who Are Entitled Decides That They Don’t Want To Sue?

That is their prerogative, but it does not impede the legal process for the other surviving relatives.

Are Punitive Damages Recoverable In Wrongful Death Action?

Yes; however, they are rare and the standard for the award is very high.

What Is A General Timeline For A Wrongful Death Case To Be Resolved?

As there are numerous factors involved in a wrongful death case, and all cases are different, there is no general timeline for resolution. The necessary investigations to establish the case, and the proper establishment of amount of damages, will vary from case to case. Most wrongful death lawsuits settle out of court, but some will have to go to court, which may result in a much longer process.

Why Do I Need An Attorney To Pursue A Wrongful Death Case?

An experienced attorney will have dealt with all the intricacies of wrongful death lawsuits in his practice, and will know all the minor details that a layman will not. The attorney will also represent his clients’ best interests when dealing with insurance companies that may make low offers. The attorney will also know the proper experts to contact in order to ascertain the specifics of each case. And determining the settlement value of a wrongful death claim, and the compensation due to the various family members, is not an easy, automatic task. Experience counts in the handling and resolution of any legal case, and most definitely so in wrongful death cases.

What Sets Your Firm Apart In Handling These Cases?

The experienced Wrongful Death Attorneys at the Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A., work diligently in South Florida for every client we represent. We believe that legal expertise is the best way to ensure a positive outcome, so you can recover maximum damages. Wrongful death lawsuits are very complex, so hiring the best attorneys is of critical importance, and we possess a very strong background in dealing with wrongful death cases for over three decades.

For more information on Wrongful Death Cases With Multiple Heirs, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling 800-835-5762 & 954-456-2488 today.

Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A. - Hollywood, FL


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