In the busy streets of South Florida, 10 people and an unborn child were killed in 24 hours last August 18-19, 2012. Four people were found dead on a fiery head-on collision that took place in Gratigny Expressway in Northwest Miami-Dade on Sunday. The seven month pregnant woman along with a 5 year old girl and elderly churchgoer were killed due to severe car crashes. Two people were killed in a Homestead hit-and-run accident. Victims of the latter accident were not immediately identified and the liable driver is still missing.

Car Accidents often cause Burn Injuries

One out of eight victims of burn injuries were in car accidents. About 287,000 vehicle fires happened from 2003-2007 as stated by the National Fire Protection Association. Victims are usually trapped in their wrecked cars after a collision or accident. Aside from flames, victims will also suffer from the harmful gases emitted by synthetic materials of the vehicle once burned. Every year these accidents cause 480 deaths, 1525 injuries and about $1.3 billion property damage. A burning vehicle can explode and shoot deadly shrapnel which is why firefighters often let them burn down first before extinguishing the flames.

Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A.

The Lawyers at Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A. provide
personalized legal representation for personal injury cases.

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